7 common Endress+Hauser Promass 300 errors and how to fix them


The Endress+Hauser Promass 300 is a renowned instrument in the field of flow measurement, known for its precision, reliability, and versatility. It utilizes cutting-edge technology to accurately measure flow rates in various industrial applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. However, like any sophisticated device, the Promass 300 is susceptible to errors that can impact its performance. In this guide, we will explore seven common errors encountered with the Promass 300 and provide expert solutions to address them effectively.

The primary features of Promass 300

With its outstanding accuracy in measuring mass flow, density, and temperature, endress hauser promass 300 is a Coriolis flow meter. It makes advantage of the Coriolis force theory, which states that an accurate measurement is possible when the mass flow of the fluid creates a deflection in the measuring tube. Even in demanding industrial environments, the endress promass 300 delivers unmatched performance thanks to its sturdy structure and sophisticated signal processing algorithms.

works on promass 300

The Importance of Accurate Flow Measurement

Precise flow measurement is critical to many different businesses as it is an essential component of resource management, process control, and quality assurance. Precise flow data guarantees maximum efficiency and safety when it comes to measuring water flow in municipal systems or monitoring chemical flow in production facilities.

Precise flow measurement is essential in sectors like pharmaceuticals where even the smallest alteration in materials can have a negative impact on the quality of the final product. Analogously, precise flow measurement has a direct bearing on regulatory compliance and revenue estimations in oil and gas operations.

Accurate flow monitoring also makes preventative maintenance easier by spotting leaks or inefficiencies early on, averting expensive downtime and environmental hazards. Additionally, it makes process improvement possible, which enables businesses to maximize profitability, reduce waste, and streamline operations.

The promass flow meter plays a pivotal role in achieving accurate flow measurement, empowering industries to operate efficiently, sustainably, and profitably.

Common Promass 300 fault codes

Like any complex instrument, the endress hauser promass 300 fault codes to identify particular problems that arise during operation. It is crucial to comprehend these error codes in order to quickly diagnose and fix problems.

Common Promass 300 Errors and their Causes

Error CodeErrorPossible Causes
F001Measurement error

- No signal from sensor
- Sensor is defective
- Sensor connection error
- Interference in the signal cable

F002Calculation error

- Software error
- Incorrect settings

F003Hardware error

- Device failure
- Power supply error

F004Configuration error

- Incorrect settings
- Incompatible configuration

F005Sensor error

- Sensor is defective
- Sensor connection error


Communication error

- Network connection error
- Communication error with I/O module

F007Battery error

- Battery is low
- Battery is defective

Measurement Error
Measurement errors refer to inaccuracies in the flow measurement readings provided by the e&h promass.

  • Sensor Drift: Gradual changes in sensor calibration or performance over time.
  • Environmental Factors: Temperature, pressure, or humidity variations affecting measurement accuracy.
  • Fluid Properties: Changes in fluid composition or viscosity impacting measurement readings.


  • Regular calibration and recalibration of sensors to compensate for drift.
  • Maintaining stable environmental conditions within specified ranges.
  • Ensuring the fluid being measured remains consistent in properties and composition.

Calculation Error
Calculation errors occur when the Promass 300 fails to accurately compute flow rates based on sensor inputs.

  • Software Bugs: Programming errors or glitches in the device's calculation algorithms.
  • Parameter Misconfiguration: Incorrect settings or parameters inputted into the device.
  • Interference: External factors disrupting signal processing and calculation.


  • Firmware updates to fix known software bugs.
  • Verifying and adjusting setup parameters twice.
  • Protecting the gadget from outside sources of disturbance.

Hardware Error
Hardware errors involve malfunctioning components within the endress promass 300 hardware system.

  • Component Failure: Wear and tear or defects in hardware components.
  • Physical Damage: Impact or environmental damage affecting device integrity.
  • Poor Maintenance: Lack of regular upkeep leading to hardware deterioration.


  • Carrying out regular maintenance inspections to find and swap out problematic parts.
  • Using caution when using the gadget to avoid bodily harm.
  • Following the maintenance regimens advised by the manufacturer.

Configuration Error
Configuration errors occur when the promass flow meter is incorrectly set up or programmed.

  • Human Error: Incorrect input or selection of settings during device setup.
  • Inadequate Training: Users lacking sufficient training on device configuration procedures.
  • Changes in Operating Conditions: Environmental or operational changes requiring adjustments to device configuration.


  • Giving staff members in charge of device configuration thorough training.
  • Putting in place stringent procedures for changing configurations in order to avoid human error.
  • Assessing and updating the configuration of the device on a regular basis in light of evolving operating conditions.

Sensor Error
Sensor errors involve issues with the sensors used in the endress hauser promass for flow measurement.

  • Sensor Drift: Gradual changes in sensor calibration or performance over time.
  • Physical Damage: Impact or environmental damage affecting sensor functionality.
  • Contamination: Build-up of debris or substances on sensor surfaces interfering with measurements.


  • For sensors to remain accurate, regular calibration and recalibration is required.
  • Shielding sensors against pollution and physical harm.
  • Regular cleaning and inspection of sensors is necessary to guarantee optimal operation.

Communication Error
Communication errors occur when there are issues with data transfer between the promass endress and external devices or systems.

  • Faulty Cables: Damaged or improperly connected communication cables.
  • Configuration Mismatch: Incompatibility in settings between the Promass 300 and connected systems.
  • Network Issues: Interruptions in network connectivity affecting data transmission.


  • Inspecting and swapping out damaged communication wires.
  • Confirming compatibility and making necessary configuration settings adjustments.
  • Restoring data transmission requires troubleshooting issues with network connectivity.

Battery Error
Battery errors involve issues with the power supply or battery system of the Promass 300.

  • Battery Degradation: Aging or deteriorating battery performance over time.
  • Improper Charging: Inadequate charging or maintenance of battery systems.
  • Power Supply Interruptions: Fluctuations or interruptions in the device's power source.


  • Swapping out worn-out or damaged batteries for fresh ones.
  • Guaranteeing appropriate battery system maintenance and charging.
  • Putting backup power systems in place to stop power outages.

By understanding these common errors, their causes, and the corresponding elimination strategies, users can effectively troubleshoot and maintain the Endress+Hauser Promass 300, ensuring reliable and accurate flow measurement in industrial applications.

Recommendations for Improving the Performance of Promass 300

To further enhance the performance of the promass 300 endress hauser and minimize the occurrence of errors, consider the following recommendations:

  • Routine Maintenance: Establish a routine maintenance program to check, clean, and adjust the Promass 300. This guarantees consistent performance and aids in the early identification of possible problems.
  • Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training for personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the Promass 300. Proper training ensures users understand device functionality, troubleshooting procedures, and best practices for error prevention.
  • Utilize Diagnostic Tools: Take advantage of diagnostic tools and software provided by Endress+Hauser for monitoring and analyzing the performance of the Promass 300.
endress hauser promass 300
  • Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Following guidelines ensures optimal performance and prevents errors resulting from improper usage.
  • Upgrade Firmware: Regularly update the firmware of the endress hauser promass to access the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes.
  • Environmental Control: Maintain stable environmental conditions in the vicinity of the Promass 300, including temperature, humidity, and pressure. Fluctuations in environmental factors can impact sensor accuracy and measurement readings.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Proactive monitoring allows for early detection of issues and timely intervention to prevent downtime.


The Endress+Hauser Promass 300 is an invaluable tool for flow measurement, but it is not immune to errors. By understanding the common errors outlined in this article and implementing the recommended solutions, users can ensure optimal performance and accuracy in their industrial processes. Regular maintenance, proper calibration, and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are crucial for mitigating errors and maximizing the efficiency of the Promass 300.

By incorporating recommendations into your maintenance and operational practices, you can optimize the performance of the promass 300 endress hauser, minimize errors, and ensure reliable flow measurement in your industrial processes.

Eltra Trade offers a selection of Promass 300 from Endress+Hauser. Our expert managers are ready to assist with selection and answer any questions. We provide worldwide shipping and competitive pricing, ensuring our customers receive the best.